1 Goal

The reason why we want to extract new sequences from new data sets is that:

  1. Analyse the performance of current classifier on a more complete set of sequences that covering the whole new data set.
  2. Train specialized model using these new sequences.

To achieve the goal, we need both the raw sequences and the label (now we restrict to the new labels but it can be trivially extended to DeepSEA labels with proper BED file as input). The following describe the pipeline in details.

2 Pipeline

The pipeline contains the following steps. In brief, we first extract 200-bp long bins based on new data sets (namely extract all bins surrounding peaks); then we label them once we get the bin file in BED format; finally, we convert it into numerical format based on the BED file as well.

  1. Extract bins.
  2. Label bins.
  3. Convert raw sequence into numerical input for classifier.

2.1 Extract bins

This step is implemented at /project2/xinhe/yanyul/deep_variant/yanyu/deep_brain/my_scripts/0_region2bins.py. The working directory is /project2/xinhe/yanyul/deep_variant/yanyu/deep_brain/.

$ python my_scripts/0_region2bins.py -h
usage: 0_region2bins.py [-h] [--max_index MAX_INDEX] [--binsize BINSIZE]
                        [--debug DEBUG]
                        input out_dir

Given a set of regions in BED format, output the surrounding bins (specify the
bin size below), and it will record the index to the region (the ones that are
inside the region will be set as 0). The fourth column is bin ID and the fifth
column is bin index (distance to region).

positional arguments:
  input                 BED file

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --max_index MAX_INDEX
                        The absoulte value of index (distance to first or last
                        hitted bin)
  --binsize BINSIZE     The size of the bin.
  --debug DEBUG
$ python my_scripts/0_region2bins.py data/E129-H3K9me3.narrowPeak.sorted test/040917_binize_datasets/
bedtools merge -i test/040917_binize_datasets//E129-H3K9me3.narrowPeak_bin200.bed.sorted -d -1 -c 4,5 -o collapse,collapse > test/040917_binize_datasets//E129-H3K9me3.narrowPeak_bin200.bed.sorted.merged
$ python my_scripts/0_region2bins.py data/E082-DNase.macs2.narrowPeak.sorted test/040917_binize_datasets/
bedtools merge -i test/040917_binize_datasets//E082-DNase.macs2.narrowPeak_bin200.bed.sorted -d -1 -c 4,5 -o collapse,collapse > test/040917_binize_datasets//E082-DNase.macs2.narrowPeak_bin200.bed.sorted.merged
$ python my_scripts/0_region2bins.py data/E081-DNase.macs2.narrowPeak.sorted test/040917_binize_datasets/
bedtools merge -i test/040917_binize_datasets//E081-DNase.macs2.narrowPeak_bin200.bed.sorted -d -1 -c 4,5 -o collapse,collapse > test/040917_binize_datasets//E081-DNase.macs2.narrowPeak_bin200.bed.sorted.merged
$ python my_scripts/0_region2bins.py data/Noonan_union.bed.sorted test/040917_binize_datasets/
bedtools merge -i test/040917_binize_datasets//Noonan_union.bed_bin200.bed.sorted -d -1 -c 4,5 -o collapse,collapse > test/040917_binize_datasets//Noonan_union.bed_bin200.bed.sorted.merged

These commands generate *_bin200.bed.sorted.merged.final at test/040917_binize_datasets/. Every final output file contains 200-bp long intervals with interval ID (fourth column) and the relative location to peak (index at fifth column and direction at sixth column). Here index \(i\) indicates the interval is the \(i\)th non-overlap 200-bp bin to a specific peak and the direction tells whether it locates at the left of the peak or the right of the peak.

2.2 Label bins

This step is done using the previous script my_scripts/wrapper_label_intervals.py, which takes a interval set and a list of data sets as input and label the intervals accordingly.

$ python my_scripts/wrapper_label_intervals.py --help

wrapper_label_intervals.py [intervals_of_interest] [list_of_annotation_files] [output_dir]
Requirement on [intervals_of_interest]: the forth column is ID
Requirement on [list_of_annotation_files]: 1st column - filename, seperate by TAB

$ python my_scripts/wrapper_label_intervals.py test/040917_binize_datasets/E081-DNase.macs2.narrowPeak_bin200.bed.sorted.merged.final test/040917_binize_datasets/E081.txt test/040917_binize_datasets/
awk: cmd. line:1: (FILENAME=- FNR=4097) fatal: print to "standard output" failed (Broken pipe)
cat: write error: Broken pipe
mkdir test/040917_binize_datasets//E081.txt_out
>>> working on data/E081-DNase.macs2.narrowPeak
>>> >>> sort data/E081-DNase.macs2.narrowPeak
>>> >>> checking data/E081-DNase.macs2.narrowPeak
>>> >>> number of columns data/E081-DNase.macs2.narrowPeak
awk: cmd. line:1: (FILENAME=- FNR=2731) fatal: print to "standard output" failed (Broken pipe)
cat: write error: Broken pipe
>>> >>> intersecting data/E081-DNase.macs2.narrowPeak
>>> previous = 402481, after = 402481
$ python my_scripts/wrapper_label_intervals.py test/040917_binize_datasets/E082-DNase.macs2.narrowPeak_bin200.bed.sorted.merged.final test/040917_binize_datasets/E082.txt test/040917_binize_datasets/
awk: cmd. line:1: (FILENAME=- FNR=4097) fatal: print to "standard output" failed (Broken pipe)
cat: write error: Broken pipe
mkdir test/040917_binize_datasets//E082.txt_out
>>> working on data/E082-DNase.macs2.narrowPeak
>>> >>> sort data/E082-DNase.macs2.narrowPeak
>>> >>> checking data/E082-DNase.macs2.narrowPeak
>>> >>> number of columns data/E082-DNase.macs2.narrowPeak
awk: cmd. line:1: (FILENAME=- FNR=2731) fatal: print to "standard output" failed (Broken pipe)
cat: write error: Broken pipe
>>> >>> intersecting data/E082-DNase.macs2.narrowPeak
>>> previous = 496694, after = 496694
$ python my_scripts/wrapper_label_intervals.py test/040917_binize_datasets/E129-H3K9me3.narrowPeak_bin200.bed.sorted.merged.final test/040917_binize_datasets/E129.txt test/040917_binize_datasets/
awk: cmd. line:1: (FILENAME=- FNR=4097) fatal: print to "standard output" failed (Broken pipe)
cat: write error: Broken pipe
mkdir test/040917_binize_datasets//E129.txt_out
>>> working on data/E129-H3K9me3.narrowPeak
>>> >>> sort data/E129-H3K9me3.narrowPeak
>>> >>> checking data/E129-H3K9me3.narrowPeak
>>> >>> number of columns data/E129-H3K9me3.narrowPeak
awk: cmd. line:1: (FILENAME=- FNR=2731) fatal: print to "standard output" failed (Broken pipe)
cat: write error: Broken pipe
>>> >>> intersecting data/E129-H3K9me3.narrowPeak
>>> previous = 180296, after = 180296
$ python my_scripts/wrapper_label_intervals.py test/040917_binize_datasets/Noonan_union.bed_bin200.bed.sorted.merged.final test/040917_binize_datasets/Noonan.txt test/040917_binize_datasets/
awk: cmd. line:1: (FILENAME=- FNR=4097) fatal: print to "standard output" failed (Broken pipe)
cat: write error: Broken pipe
mkdir test/040917_binize_datasets//Noonan.txt_out
>>> working on data/Noonan_union.bed
>>> >>> sort data/Noonan_union.bed
>>> >>> checking data/Noonan_union.bed
>>> >>> number of columns data/Noonan_union.bed
awk: cmd. line:1: (FILENAME=- FNR=4097) fatal: print to "standard output" failed (Broken pipe)
cat: write error: Broken pipe
>>> >>> intersecting data/Noonan_union.bed
>>> previous = 75197, after = 75197

These commands generate test/040917_binize_datasets/*_out/label.hdf5 files. Here, we only label intervals with the corresponding data set from which we extract those intervals.

2.3 Bin to input

Here we first extend 200-bp bins to 1000 bp sequence and convert the sequences into input format.

2.3.1 Extend bin to sequence

It is done by my_scripts/2_bin2seq.py.

$ python my_scripts/2_bin2seq.py test/040917_binize_datasets/E081-DNase.macs2.narrowPeak_bin200.bed.sorted.merged.final 
Feature (chr17:81194400-81195400) beyond the length of chr17 size (81195210 bp).  Skipping.
Feature (chr17:81194600-81195600) beyond the length of chr17 size (81195210 bp).  Skipping.
Feature (chr17:81194800-81195800) beyond the length of chr17 size (81195210 bp).  Skipping.
Feature (chr17:81195000-81196000) beyond the length of chr17 size (81195210 bp).  Skipping.
Feature (chr17:81195200-81196200) beyond the length of chr17 size (81195210 bp).  Skipping.
Feature (chr17:81195400-81196400) beyond the length of chr17 size (81195210 bp).  Skipping.
$ python my_scripts/2_bin2seq.py test/040917_binize_datasets/E082-DNase.macs2.narrowPeak_bin200.bed.sorted.merged.final 
Feature (chr17:81194400-81195400) beyond the length of chr17 size (81195210 bp).  Skipping.
Feature (chr17:81194600-81195600) beyond the length of chr17 size (81195210 bp).  Skipping.
Feature (chr17:81194800-81195800) beyond the length of chr17 size (81195210 bp).  Skipping.
Feature (chr17:81195000-81196000) beyond the length of chr17 size (81195210 bp).  Skipping.
Feature (chr17:81195200-81196200) beyond the length of chr17 size (81195210 bp).  Skipping.
Feature (chr17:81195400-81196400) beyond the length of chr17 size (81195210 bp).  Skipping.
$ python my_scripts/2_bin2seq.py test/040917_binize_datasets/E129-H3K9me3.narrowPeak_bin200.bed.sorted.merged.final 
$ python my_scripts/2_bin2seq.py test/040917_binize_datasets/Noonan_union.bed_bin200.bed.sorted.merged.final 

2.3.2 Convert sequence to input

It is done using ../preprocessing/my_scripts/2_seq2input.py.

$ python ../preprocessing/my_scripts/2_seq2input.py -h
usage: 2_seq2input [-h] [--prefix PREFIX] [--window WINDOW] [--debug DEBUG]
                   seq_file out_dir

Given the formatted output from 1_snp2pos.py (second column is the sequence),
output the hdf5 file which is ready to be used as the input for making the
prediction. For efficiency, please provide the length of the sequence as well.

positional arguments:
  seq_file         Ideally, it is the output of 1_snp2seq.py but you may use
                   any file unless the second column is the sequence of

optional arguments:
  -h, --help       show this help message and exit
  --prefix PREFIX
  --window WINDOW
  --debug DEBUG

$ python ../preprocessing/my_scripts/2_seq2input.py test/040917_binize_datasets/E081-DNase.macs2.narrowPeak_bin200.bed.sorted.merged.final.expended.fa test/040917_binize_datasets/E081.txt_out/
$ python ../preprocessing/my_scripts/2_seq2input.py test/040917_binize_datasets/E082-DNase.macs2.narrowPeak_bin200.bed.sorted.merged.final.expended.fa test/040917_binize_datasets/E082.txt_out/
$ python ../preprocessing/my_scripts/2_seq2input.py test/040917_binize_datasets/E129-H3K9me3.narrowPeak_bin200.bed.sorted.merged.final.expended.fa test/040917_binize_datasets/E129.txt_out/
$ python ../preprocessing/my_scripts/2_seq2input.py test/040917_binize_datasets/Noonan_union.bed_bin200.bed.sorted.merged.final.expended.fa test/040917_binize_datasets/Noonan.txt_out/

These commands generate the input ready for make prediction on.

3 Proof of correctness

To make sure the correctness of the pipeline. The following works on a few intervals from DeepSEA data and generate the input using the scripts mentioned above. The results are compared with DeepSEA input. Here we only check the correctness of converting interval to input, because the labelling process is check here.

$ cat data/allTFs.pos.withID.bed | head -n 10000 | tail -n 100 > test/040917_binize_datasets/allTFs.pos.withID.test.bed
$ python my_scripts/2_bin2seq.py test/040917_binize_datasets/allTFs.pos.withID.test.bed
$ python ../preprocessing/my_scripts/2_seq2input.py test/040917_binize_datasets/allTFs.pos.withID.test.bed.expended.fa test/040917_binize_datasets/

Check the input.

$ python quick_scripts/check_input_convertion.py 
deepseax1 vs mypipex1
deepseax2 vs mypipex2
deepseax1 vs mypipex2
deepseax2 vs mypipex1