1 Procedure

AME (Analysis of Motif Enrichment; tool in MEME Suite) is used to do motif enrichment analysis. For a given motif set and a set of sequences, test whether a motif occurs significantly in the sequences.

Some windows were extracted and fed to AME to perform motif enrichment analysis (search in JASPAR 2016 vertebrates). Here top 0.1% windows that decrease the score most in positive sequences and top 0.1% windows that increase the score most in negative sequences and randomly selected windows in positive sequences were analyzed respectively.

Results of randomly selected windows can be found: - E081 top 0.1% positive, - E081 random positive, - E081 top 0.1% negative, - Noonan top 0.1% positive, - Noonan random positive, - Noonan top 0.1% negative, - hNSC-50 top 0.1% positive, - hNSC-50 random positive, - hNSC-50 top 0.1% negative,

2 GO term analysis of hitted TF

Here JASPAR TFs is selected as the background protein list.

2.1 Overview

  top0.1_positive top0.1_negative random_positive
E081 127 72 1
Noonan 7 38 0
hNSC-50 132 52 0
## Warning in .local(object, test.stat, ...): No enrichment can pe performed - there are no feasible GO terms!
panderOptions('knitr.auto.asis', FALSE)
panderOptions('table.split.table', Inf)
for (i in names(go.results)){
  cat("## ", i, "\n")

2.2 E081.top0.1_positive

GO.ID Term Annotated Significant Expected classicFisher
GO:0006260 DNA replication 8 6 2.23 0.007
GO:0021953 central nervous system neuron differenti… 39 17 10.86 0.019
GO:0021520 spinal cord motor neuron cell fate speci… 7 5 1.95 0.020
GO:0000083 regulation of transcription involved in … 5 4 1.39 0.023
GO:0060706 cell differentiation involved in embryon… 5 4 1.39 0.023
GO:0021515 cell differentiation in spinal cord 21 10 5.85 0.038
GO:0021522 spinal cord motor neuron differentiation 13 7 3.62 0.040
GO:0000278 mitotic cell cycle 24 11 6.68 0.040
GO:0001708 cell fate specification 24 11 6.68 0.040
GO:0048663 neuron fate commitment 27 12 7.52 0.042
GO:0010002 cardioblast differentiation 6 4 1.67 0.053
GO:0021527 spinal cord association neuron different… 6 4 1.67 0.053
GO:0021871 forebrain regionalization 6 4 1.67 0.053
GO:0021978 telencephalon regionalization 6 4 1.67 0.053
GO:0051054 positive regulation of DNA metabolic pro… 6 4 1.67 0.053
GO:0000082 G1/S transition of mitotic cell cycle 11 6 3.06 0.054
GO:0044843 cell cycle G1/S phase transition 11 6 3.06 0.054
GO:0048665 neuron fate specification 14 7 3.9 0.062
GO:0021895 cerebral cortex neuron differentiation 4 3 1.11 0.067
GO:0030878 thyroid gland development 4 3 1.11 0.067
GO:0042693 muscle cell fate commitment 4 3 1.11 0.067
GO:0045740 positive regulation of DNA replication 4 3 1.11 0.067
GO:0050900 leukocyte migration 4 3 1.11 0.067
GO:0070365 hepatocyte differentiation 4 3 1.11 0.067
GO:0000910 cytokinesis 2 2 0.56 0.077
GO:0001711 endodermal cell fate commitment 2 2 0.56 0.077
GO:0001714 endodermal cell fate specification 2 2 0.56 0.077
GO:0003016 respiratory system process 2 2 0.56 0.077
GO:0003263 cardioblast proliferation 2 2 0.56 0.077
GO:0003264 regulation of cardioblast proliferation 2 2 0.56 0.077
GO:0003266 regulation of secondary heart field card… 2 2 0.56 0.077
GO:0006261 DNA-dependent DNA replication 2 2 0.56 0.077
GO:0010842 retina layer formation 2 2 0.56 0.077
GO:0032465 regulation of cytokinesis 2 2 0.56 0.077
GO:0032466 negative regulation of cytokinesis 2 2 0.56 0.077
GO:0032875 regulation of DNA endoreduplication 2 2 0.56 0.077
GO:0032877 positive regulation of DNA endoreduplica… 2 2 0.56 0.077
GO:0034505 tooth mineralization 2 2 0.56 0.077
GO:0035088 establishment or maintenance of apical/b… 2 2 0.56 0.077
GO:0042023 DNA endoreduplication 2 2 0.56 0.077
GO:0044786 cell cycle DNA replication 2 2 0.56 0.077
GO:0045197 establishment or maintenance of epitheli… 2 2 0.56 0.077
GO:0045736 negative regulation of cyclin-dependent … 2 2 0.56 0.077
GO:0048570 notochord morphogenesis 2 2 0.56 0.077
GO:0051782 negative regulation of cell division 2 2 0.56 0.077
GO:0060539 diaphragm development 2 2 0.56 0.077
GO:0060717 chorion development 2 2 0.56 0.077
GO:0060718 chorionic trophoblast cell differentiati… 2 2 0.56 0.077
GO:0061245 establishment or maintenance of bipolar … 2 2 0.56 0.077
GO:0071157 negative regulation of cell cycle arrest 2 2 0.56 0.077

2.3 E081.top0.1_negative

GO.ID Term Annotated Significant Expected classicFisher
GO:0045995 regulation of embryonic development 9 5 1.23 0.0033
GO:0055088 lipid homeostasis 9 5 1.23 0.0033
GO:0001570 vasculogenesis 6 4 0.82 0.0038
GO:0003197 endocardial cushion development 7 4 0.96 0.0080
GO:0003281 ventricular septum development 7 4 0.96 0.0080
GO:0003181 atrioventricular valve morphogenesis 4 3 0.55 0.0088
GO:0060317 cardiac epithelial to mesenchymal transi… 4 3 0.55 0.0088
GO:1905314 semi-lunar valve development 4 3 0.55 0.0088
GO:0031668 cellular response to extracellular stimu… 15 6 2.05 0.0093
GO:0003279 cardiac septum development 11 5 1.5 0.0096
GO:0003170 heart valve development 8 4 1.09 0.0144
GO:0003179 heart valve morphogenesis 8 4 1.09 0.0144
GO:1901617 organic hydroxy compound biosynthetic pr… 8 4 1.09 0.0144
GO:0031669 cellular response to nutrient levels 12 5 1.64 0.0148
GO:1901615 organic hydroxy compound metabolic proce… 12 5 1.64 0.0148
GO:0042692 muscle cell differentiation 31 9 4.23 0.0153
GO:0000429 carbon catabolite regulation of transcri… 2 2 0.27 0.0184
GO:0000430 regulation of transcription from RNA pol… 2 2 0.27 0.0184
GO:0000432 positive regulation of transcription fro… 2 2 0.27 0.0184
GO:0000436 carbon catabolite activation of transcri… 2 2 0.27 0.0184
GO:0002027 regulation of heart rate 2 2 0.27 0.0184
GO:0003190 atrioventricular valve formation 2 2 0.27 0.0184
GO:0003199 endocardial cushion to mesenchymal trans… 2 2 0.27 0.0184
GO:0003214 cardiac left ventricle morphogenesis 2 2 0.27 0.0184
GO:0006626 protein targeting to mitochondrion 2 2 0.27 0.0184
GO:0019086 late viral transcription 2 2 0.27 0.0184
GO:0032352 positive regulation of hormone metabolic… 2 2 0.27 0.0184
GO:0033762 response to glucagon 2 2 0.27 0.0184
GO:0036304 umbilical cord morphogenesis 2 2 0.27 0.0184
GO:0045821 positive regulation of glycolytic proces… 2 2 0.27 0.0184
GO:0045992 negative regulation of embryonic develop… 2 2 0.27 0.0184
GO:0051194 positive regulation of cofactor metaboli… 2 2 0.27 0.0184
GO:0051197 positive regulation of coenzyme metaboli… 2 2 0.27 0.0184
GO:0060837 blood vessel endothelial cell differenti… 2 2 0.27 0.0184
GO:0060842 arterial endothelial cell differentiatio… 2 2 0.27 0.0184
GO:0060973 cell migration involved in heart develop… 2 2 0.27 0.0184
GO:0061027 umbilical cord development 2 2 0.27 0.0184
GO:0061314 Notch signaling involved in heart develo… 2 2 0.27 0.0184
GO:0071157 negative regulation of cell cycle arrest 2 2 0.27 0.0184
GO:0090500 endocardial cushion to mesenchymal trans… 2 2 0.27 0.0184
GO:1903214 regulation of protein targeting to mitoc… 2 2 0.27 0.0184
GO:2000820 negative regulation of transcription fro… 2 2 0.27 0.0184
GO:2001212 regulation of vasculogenesis 2 2 0.27 0.0184
GO:0050878 regulation of body fluid levels 22 7 3.01 0.0198
GO:0003171 atrioventricular valve development 5 3 0.68 0.0198
GO:0006163 purine nucleotide metabolic process 5 3 0.68 0.0198
GO:0006753 nucleoside phosphate metabolic process 5 3 0.68 0.0198
GO:0009117 nucleotide metabolic process 5 3 0.68 0.0198
GO:0009150 purine ribonucleotide metabolic process 5 3 0.68 0.0198
GO:0009259 ribonucleotide metabolic process 5 3 0.68 0.0198

2.4 E081.random_positive

GO.ID Term Annotated Significant Expected classicFisher
GO:0000002 mitochondrial genome maintenance 2 0 0 1
GO:0000003 reproduction 69 0 0 1
GO:0000018 regulation of DNA recombination 2 0 0 1
GO:0000050 urea cycle 1 0 0 1
GO:0000060 protein import into nucleus, translocati… 1 0 0 1
GO:0000075 cell cycle checkpoint 9 0 0 1
GO:0000077 DNA damage checkpoint 8 0 0 1
GO:0000079 regulation of cyclin-dependent protein s… 3 0 0 1
GO:0000082 G1/S transition of mitotic cell cycle 11 0 0 1
GO:0000083 regulation of transcription involved in … 5 0 0 1
GO:0000086 G2/M transition of mitotic cell cycle 4 0 0 1
GO:0000122 negative regulation of transcription fro… 143 0 0 1
GO:0000165 MAPK cascade 11 0 0 1
GO:0000183 chromatin silencing at rDNA 1 0 0 1
GO:0000187 activation of MAPK activity 1 0 0 1
GO:0000209 protein polyubiquitination 1 0 0 1
GO:0000226 microtubule cytoskeleton organization 1 0 0 1
GO:0000271 polysaccharide biosynthetic process 1 0 0 1
GO:0000278 mitotic cell cycle 24 0 0 1
GO:0000280 nuclear division 4 0 0 1
GO:0000301 retrograde transport, vesicle recycling … 1 0 0 1
GO:0000302 response to reactive oxygen species 5 0 0 1
GO:0000422 mitophagy 4 0 0 1
GO:0000423 macromitophagy 2 0 0 1
GO:0000429 carbon catabolite regulation of transcri… 2 0 0 1
GO:0000430 regulation of transcription from RNA pol… 2 0 0 1
GO:0000432 positive regulation of transcription fro… 2 0 0 1
GO:0000436 carbon catabolite activation of transcri… 2 0 0 1
GO:0000578 embryonic axis specification 3 0 0 1
GO:0000724 double-strand break repair via homologou… 1 0 0 1
GO:0000725 recombinational repair 1 0 0 1
GO:0000733 DNA strand renaturation 1 0 0 1
GO:0000768 syncytium formation by plasma membrane f… 4 0 0 1
GO:0000819 sister chromatid segregation 1 0 0 1
GO:0000902 cell morphogenesis 51 0 0 1
GO:0000904 cell morphogenesis involved in different… 43 0 0 1
GO:0000910 cytokinesis 2 0 0 1
GO:0001101 response to acid chemical 17 0 0 1
GO:0001302 replicative cell aging 1 0 0 1
GO:0001501 skeletal system development 59 0 0 1
GO:0001502 cartilage condensation 2 0 0 1
GO:0001503 ossification 29 0 0 1
GO:0001505 regulation of neurotransmitter levels 2 0 0 1
GO:0001523 retinoid metabolic process 1 0 0 1
GO:0001525 angiogenesis 31 0 0 1
GO:0001539 cilium or flagellum-dependent cell motil… 1 0 0 1
GO:0001541 ovarian follicle development 4 0 0 1
GO:0001542 ovulation from ovarian follicle 1 0 0 1
GO:0001544 initiation of primordial ovarian follicl… 1 0 0 1
GO:0001547 antral ovarian follicle growth 2 0 0 1

2.5 Noonan.top0.1_positive

GO.ID Term Annotated Significant Expected classicFisher
GO:0001743 optic placode formation 1 1 0.02 0.018
GO:0002194 hepatocyte cell migration 1 1 0.02 0.018
GO:0003157 endocardium development 1 1 0.02 0.018
GO:0003160 endocardium morphogenesis 1 1 0.02 0.018
GO:0003228 atrial cardiac muscle tissue development 1 1 0.02 0.018
GO:0014866 skeletal myofibril assembly 1 1 0.02 0.018
GO:0021563 glossopharyngeal nerve development 1 1 0.02 0.018
GO:0021615 glossopharyngeal nerve morphogenesis 1 1 0.02 0.018
GO:0030240 skeletal muscle thin filament assembly 1 1 0.02 0.018
GO:0030910 olfactory placode formation 1 1 0.02 0.018
GO:0043049 otic placode formation 1 1 0.02 0.018
GO:0045069 regulation of viral genome replication 1 1 0.02 0.018
GO:0045071 negative regulation of viral genome repl… 1 1 0.02 0.018
GO:0045737 positive regulation of cyclin-dependent … 1 1 0.02 0.018
GO:0046619 optic placode formation involved in came… 1 1 0.02 0.018
GO:0055009 atrial cardiac muscle tissue morphogenes… 1 1 0.02 0.018
GO:0060059 embryonic retina morphogenesis in camera… 1 1 0.02 0.018
GO:0060214 endocardium formation 1 1 0.02 0.018
GO:0060297 regulation of sarcomere organization 1 1 0.02 0.018
GO:0060298 positive regulation of sarcomere organiz… 1 1 0.02 0.018
GO:0060414 aorta smooth muscle tissue morphogenesis 1 1 0.02 0.018
GO:0060836 lymphatic endothelial cell differentiati… 1 1 0.02 0.018
GO:0060838 lymphatic endothelial cell fate commitme… 1 1 0.02 0.018
GO:0060849 regulation of transcription involved in … 1 1 0.02 0.018
GO:0061113 pancreas morphogenesis 1 1 0.02 0.018
GO:0061114 branching involved in pancreas morphogen… 1 1 0.02 0.018
GO:0070307 lens fiber cell development 1 1 0.02 0.018
GO:0070309 lens fiber cell morphogenesis 1 1 0.02 0.018
GO:0070857 regulation of bile acid biosynthetic pro… 1 1 0.02 0.018
GO:0070858 negative regulation of bile acid biosynt… 1 1 0.02 0.018
GO:0071698 olfactory placode development 1 1 0.02 0.018
GO:0071699 olfactory placode morphogenesis 1 1 0.02 0.018
GO:0090425 acinar cell differentiation 1 1 0.02 0.018
GO:1901976 regulation of cell cycle checkpoint 1 1 0.02 0.018
GO:1901978 positive regulation of cell cycle checkp… 1 1 0.02 0.018
GO:1902115 regulation of organelle assembly 1 1 0.02 0.018
GO:1902117 positive regulation of organelle assembl… 1 1 0.02 0.018
GO:1904031 positive regulation of cyclin-dependent … 1 1 0.02 0.018
GO:1904251 regulation of bile acid metabolic proces… 1 1 0.02 0.018
GO:1904252 negative regulation of bile acid metabol… 1 1 0.02 0.018
GO:2000979 positive regulation of forebrain neuron … 1 1 0.02 0.018
GO:0031401 positive regulation of protein modificat… 17 2 0.31 0.033
GO:0003159 morphogenesis of an endothelium 2 1 0.04 0.036
GO:0006699 bile acid biosynthetic process 2 1 0.04 0.036
GO:0009408 response to heat 2 1 0.04 0.036
GO:0019079 viral genome replication 2 1 0.04 0.036
GO:0021681 cerebellar granular layer development 2 1 0.04 0.036
GO:0021683 cerebellar granular layer morphogenesis 2 1 0.04 0.036
GO:0021684 cerebellar granular layer formation 2 1 0.04 0.036
GO:0021707 cerebellar granule cell differentiation 2 1 0.04 0.036

2.6 Noonan.top0.1_negative

GO.ID Term Annotated Significant Expected classicFisher
GO:0060317 cardiac epithelial to mesenchymal transi… 4 3 0.28 0.0012
GO:1901522 positive regulation of transcription fro… 9 4 0.63 0.0019
GO:0007584 response to nutrient 11 4 0.77 0.0044
GO:0000429 carbon catabolite regulation of transcri… 2 2 0.14 0.0047
GO:0000430 regulation of transcription from RNA pol… 2 2 0.14 0.0047
GO:0000432 positive regulation of transcription fro… 2 2 0.14 0.0047
GO:0000436 carbon catabolite activation of transcri… 2 2 0.14 0.0047
GO:0003190 atrioventricular valve formation 2 2 0.14 0.0047
GO:0003199 endocardial cushion to mesenchymal trans… 2 2 0.14 0.0047
GO:0019086 late viral transcription 2 2 0.14 0.0047
GO:0033280 response to vitamin D 2 2 0.14 0.0047
GO:0036304 umbilical cord morphogenesis 2 2 0.14 0.0047
GO:0042308 negative regulation of protein import in… 2 2 0.14 0.0047
GO:0060837 blood vessel endothelial cell differenti… 2 2 0.14 0.0047
GO:0060842 arterial endothelial cell differentiatio… 2 2 0.14 0.0047
GO:0061027 umbilical cord development 2 2 0.14 0.0047
GO:0061314 Notch signaling involved in heart develo… 2 2 0.14 0.0047
GO:0090500 endocardial cushion to mesenchymal trans… 2 2 0.14 0.0047
GO:1900181 negative regulation of protein localizat… 2 2 0.14 0.0047
GO:1904590 negative regulation of protein import 2 2 0.14 0.0047
GO:2000820 negative regulation of transcription fro… 2 2 0.14 0.0047
GO:2001212 regulation of vasculogenesis 2 2 0.14 0.0047
GO:0031670 cellular response to nutrient 6 3 0.42 0.0052
GO:0060711 labyrinthine layer development 7 3 0.49 0.0088
GO:0051145 smooth muscle cell differentiation 8 3 0.56 0.0134
GO:0055010 ventricular cardiac muscle tissue morpho… 8 3 0.56 0.0134
GO:0003177 pulmonary valve development 3 2 0.21 0.0134
GO:0003184 pulmonary valve morphogenesis 3 2 0.21 0.0134
GO:0003198 epithelial to mesenchymal transition inv… 3 2 0.21 0.0134
GO:0003222 ventricular trabecula myocardium morphog… 3 2 0.21 0.0134
GO:0010573 vascular endothelial growth factor produ… 3 2 0.21 0.0134
GO:0010574 regulation of vascular endothelial growt… 3 2 0.21 0.0134
GO:0010575 positive regulation of vascular endothel… 3 2 0.21 0.0134
GO:0032103 positive regulation of response to exter… 3 2 0.21 0.0134
GO:0032387 negative regulation of intracellular tra… 3 2 0.21 0.0134
GO:0035907 dorsal aorta development 3 2 0.21 0.0134
GO:0035912 dorsal aorta morphogenesis 3 2 0.21 0.0134
GO:0045746 negative regulation of Notch signaling p… 3 2 0.21 0.0134
GO:0045990 carbon catabolite regulation of transcri… 3 2 0.21 0.0134
GO:0045991 carbon catabolite activation of transcri… 3 2 0.21 0.0134
GO:0046015 regulation of transcription by glucose 3 2 0.21 0.0134
GO:0046016 positive regulation of transcription by … 3 2 0.21 0.0134
GO:0046823 negative regulation of nucleocytoplasmic… 3 2 0.21 0.0134
GO:0060343 trabecula formation 3 2 0.21 0.0134
GO:0060347 heart trabecula formation 3 2 0.21 0.0134
GO:0061311 cell surface receptor signaling pathway … 3 2 0.21 0.0134
GO:0090317 negative regulation of intracellular pro… 3 2 0.21 0.0134
GO:1903828 negative regulation of cellular protein … 3 2 0.21 0.0134
GO:0042692 muscle cell differentiation 31 6 2.16 0.0141
GO:0044281 small molecule metabolic process 31 6 2.16 0.0141

2.7 hNSC-50.top0.1_positive

GO.ID Term Annotated Significant Expected classicFisher
GO:0006260 DNA replication 8 7 2.31 0.00088
GO:0007049 cell cycle 51 23 14.72 0.00607
GO:0045740 positive regulation of DNA replication 4 4 1.15 0.00668
GO:0043525 positive regulation of neuron apoptotic … 8 6 2.31 0.00855
GO:0051054 positive regulation of DNA metabolic pro… 6 5 1.73 0.00865
GO:2000826 regulation of heart morphogenesis 6 5 1.73 0.00865
GO:0019058 viral life cycle 9 6 2.6 0.01960
GO:1901216 positive regulation of neuron death 9 6 2.6 0.01960
GO:0000278 mitotic cell cycle 24 12 6.93 0.01982
GO:0000079 regulation of cyclin-dependent protein s… 3 3 0.87 0.02359
GO:0032808 lacrimal gland development 3 3 0.87 0.02359
GO:0048537 mucosal-associated lymphoid tissue devel… 3 3 0.87 0.02359
GO:0048541 Peyer’s patch development 3 3 0.87 0.02359
GO:0061323 cell proliferation involved in heart mor… 3 3 0.87 0.02359
GO:1904029 regulation of cyclin-dependent protein k… 3 3 0.87 0.02359
GO:2000136 regulation of cell proliferation involve… 3 3 0.87 0.02359
GO:2000738 positive regulation of stem cell differe… 3 3 0.87 0.02359
GO:0000083 regulation of transcription involved in … 5 4 1.44 0.02588
GO:0006275 regulation of DNA replication 5 4 1.44 0.02588
GO:0051302 regulation of cell division 5 4 1.44 0.02588
GO:0060706 cell differentiation involved in embryon… 5 4 1.44 0.02588
GO:0000122 negative regulation of transcription fro… 143 50 41.28 0.02869
GO:0060541 respiratory system development 25 12 7.22 0.02878
GO:0051726 regulation of cell cycle 42 18 12.12 0.02893
GO:0022402 cell cycle process 31 14 8.95 0.03324
GO:0009890 negative regulation of biosynthetic proc… 171 58 49.36 0.03333
GO:0010558 negative regulation of macromolecule bio… 171 58 49.36 0.03333
GO:0010629 negative regulation of gene expression 171 58 49.36 0.03333
GO:0031327 negative regulation of cellular biosynth… 171 58 49.36 0.03333
GO:0045934 negative regulation of nucleobase-contai… 171 58 49.36 0.03333
GO:0051172 negative regulation of nitrogen compound… 171 58 49.36 0.03333
GO:0051253 negative regulation of RNA metabolic pro… 171 58 49.36 0.03333
GO:1902679 negative regulation of RNA biosynthetic … 171 58 49.36 0.03333
GO:1903507 negative regulation of nucleic acid-temp… 171 58 49.36 0.03333
GO:0010564 regulation of cell cycle process 20 10 5.77 0.03345
GO:0030323 respiratory tube development 20 10 5.77 0.03345
GO:0030324 lung development 20 10 5.77 0.03345
GO:0045892 negative regulation of transcription, DN… 168 57 48.49 0.03539
GO:2000113 negative regulation of cellular macromol… 168 57 48.49 0.03539
GO:0009892 negative regulation of metabolic process 175 59 50.52 0.03626
GO:0010605 negative regulation of macromolecule met… 175 59 50.52 0.03626
GO:0031324 negative regulation of cellular metaboli… 172 58 49.65 0.03852
GO:0042476 odontogenesis 13 7 3.75 0.04847
GO:0048519 negative regulation of biological proces… 219 71 63.22 0.04942
GO:0006259 DNA metabolic process 24 11 6.93 0.05210
GO:0043523 regulation of neuron apoptotic process 16 8 4.62 0.05669
GO:0021953 central nervous system neuron differenti… 39 16 11.26 0.05984
GO:0010002 cardioblast differentiation 6 4 1.73 0.06036
GO:0021575 hindbrain morphogenesis 6 4 1.73 0.06036
GO:0021781 glial cell fate commitment 6 4 1.73 0.06036

2.8 hNSC-50.top0.1_negative

GO.ID Term Annotated Significant Expected classicFisher
GO:0060317 cardiac epithelial to mesenchymal transi… 4 3 0.36 0.0025
GO:0051147 regulation of muscle cell differentiatio… 18 6 1.62 0.0029
GO:0010830 regulation of myotube differentiation 5 3 0.45 0.0060
GO:0006357 regulation of transcription from RNA pol… 303 33 27.33 0.0078
GO:0000429 carbon catabolite regulation of transcri… 2 2 0.18 0.0079
GO:0000430 regulation of transcription from RNA pol… 2 2 0.18 0.0079
GO:0000432 positive regulation of transcription fro… 2 2 0.18 0.0079
GO:0000436 carbon catabolite activation of transcri… 2 2 0.18 0.0079
GO:0003190 atrioventricular valve formation 2 2 0.18 0.0079
GO:0003199 endocardial cushion to mesenchymal trans… 2 2 0.18 0.0079
GO:0007520 myoblast fusion 2 2 0.18 0.0079
GO:0019086 late viral transcription 2 2 0.18 0.0079
GO:0036304 umbilical cord morphogenesis 2 2 0.18 0.0079
GO:0045821 positive regulation of glycolytic proces… 2 2 0.18 0.0079
GO:0051194 positive regulation of cofactor metaboli… 2 2 0.18 0.0079
GO:0051197 positive regulation of coenzyme metaboli… 2 2 0.18 0.0079
GO:0060837 blood vessel endothelial cell differenti… 2 2 0.18 0.0079
GO:0060842 arterial endothelial cell differentiatio… 2 2 0.18 0.0079
GO:0061027 umbilical cord development 2 2 0.18 0.0079
GO:0061314 Notch signaling involved in heart develo… 2 2 0.18 0.0079
GO:0071157 negative regulation of cell cycle arrest 2 2 0.18 0.0079
GO:0090500 endocardial cushion to mesenchymal trans… 2 2 0.18 0.0079
GO:1901739 regulation of myoblast fusion 2 2 0.18 0.0079
GO:1901741 positive regulation of myoblast fusion 2 2 0.18 0.0079
GO:2000820 negative regulation of transcription fro… 2 2 0.18 0.0079
GO:2001212 regulation of vasculogenesis 2 2 0.18 0.0079
GO:0000122 negative regulation of transcription fro… 143 20 12.9 0.0085
GO:0031670 cellular response to nutrient 6 3 0.54 0.0112
GO:0045892 negative regulation of transcription, DN… 168 22 15.15 0.0119
GO:2000113 negative regulation of cellular macromol… 168 22 15.15 0.0119
GO:0042692 muscle cell differentiation 31 7 2.8 0.0141
GO:0009890 negative regulation of biosynthetic proc… 171 22 15.43 0.0153
GO:0010558 negative regulation of macromolecule bio… 171 22 15.43 0.0153
GO:0010629 negative regulation of gene expression 171 22 15.43 0.0153
GO:0031327 negative regulation of cellular biosynth… 171 22 15.43 0.0153
GO:0045934 negative regulation of nucleobase-contai… 171 22 15.43 0.0153
GO:0051172 negative regulation of nitrogen compound… 171 22 15.43 0.0153
GO:0051253 negative regulation of RNA metabolic pro… 171 22 15.43 0.0153
GO:1902679 negative regulation of RNA biosynthetic … 171 22 15.43 0.0153
GO:1903507 negative regulation of nucleic acid-temp… 171 22 15.43 0.0153
GO:0031324 negative regulation of cellular metaboli… 172 22 15.52 0.0166
GO:0014902 myotube differentiation 7 3 0.63 0.0183
GO:0019080 viral gene expression 7 3 0.63 0.0183
GO:0019083 viral transcription 7 3 0.63 0.0183
GO:0044033 multi-organism metabolic process 7 3 0.63 0.0183
GO:0006366 transcription from RNA polymerase II pro… 313 33 28.23 0.0193
GO:0009892 negative regulation of metabolic process 175 22 15.79 0.0211
GO:0010605 negative regulation of macromolecule met… 175 22 15.79 0.0211
GO:0003177 pulmonary valve development 3 2 0.27 0.0224
GO:0003184 pulmonary valve morphogenesis 3 2 0.27 0.0224

2.9 Summary

The top 1% of the positive windows in E081 and Noonan hit in enriched in neuron development process.